Pink Porch Lights

Communication has a significant role to play in everyone’s life and it is an important cog in the wheel of human life from time immemorial. Often, colors are used as an effective tool to communicate. Moreover, colors are used for showing signals and sometimes act as a major mood influencer. Colors are also known to create a certain psychological effect. Most people are very sensitive to different colors and porch light colors are known to create a similar effect on humans. 

Many people are using conventional colors for their porch lights and some of them are assigning colors to mark an incident or a particular day using them. A sense of resemblance is attached to the particular day by changing the porch light colors regularly. 

Few Basic Facts About Porch Lights

Home security is crucial these days and it is even more important with a surge in instances of burglaries and theft. Many people have resorted to up-to-the-minute smoke alarm systems and other home security systems like smart locks. 

But porch light is a game changer in the domain of home security systems. People often ask a question- what does a pink light on a house mean? A porch light offers an automatic, advanced, and smart home security system that guarantees safety and high control. Moreover, digital lights offer multipurpose use and can be controlled from within the house via a monitor. But there is something more to it and the color of the porch light conveys a specific message. 

Availability Of Multiple Sizes

Porch lights are available in plenty in the market and one can choose from multiple sizes. A porch light is generally 7 inches in width and it is appropriate for tall doors ranging from 6 to 7 feet. Different sizes are available for different door sizes and the porch lights range from 7 to 11 inches in width as well. 

Meaning Of Porch Light Colors

Generally, a porch light emanates pale yellow color but there are other options available in the market as well. An individual can check out different stuff in the market courtesy of new inventions and creations. Many porch light colors have flooded the market and a homeowner can choose from orange, blue, purple, green, red, and pink. Every porch light color is meant to represent an incident or a specific day and each color has some meaning attached to it. The state of mind of a human is impacted by colors. So, a specific meaning is reflected by each porch's light colors. 

A homeowner is free to choose different porch light colors based on their specific needs. Often people look for brightness and visibility and choose a softer hue like white color or the very obvious yellow color. Moreover, an individual can check out the suitability of color based on their mood and choice. Furthermore, a homeowner can even think of conveying a message and choose a set of colors based on that. 

Pink Porch Lights- What Does A Pink Light On A House Mean?

Pink outdoor lights meaning -The pink colors are used to create a perfectly serene and calming effect. However, the use of pink porch lights has a completely different meaning. 

Pink light outside house meaning- The pink porch lights are used to signify support and comfort for the children who are suffering from severe leukemia. Mostly, these pink porch lights are flicked in the neighborhood of New York City to convey this particular message. 

Pink porch light meaning - In 2016, the population of Nebraska flicked on the pink porch lights remembering six residents of the city who died in a tragic incident of a house fire with massive burns. Pink porch lights are also used as an accent lights to illuminate the garden and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the house. 

What do pink porch lights mean?-Most importantly, Breast Cancer Awareness Month every year in October is represented by flicking on pink porch lights. The campaign uses the pink porch lights to show solidarity with breast cancer patients and increase awareness about the chronic disease among the masses. The proceeds from purchasing the pink porch lights are donated to breast cancer foundations. 

Orange Porch Lights- What Does Orange Porch Light Mean?

Using orange porch light has several meanings. Guests are often welcomed by switching on the orange porch lights. A welcoming and friendly atmosphere is represented by the use of orange porch lights in most households. So, most homeowners select the orange porch lights to mark the arrival of special guests who come to the home at night. A welcoming feeling is conveyed by flicking on the orange porch lights. The bright intensity of the orange porch light and its shining brilliance explains a lot of things about the advantages of flicking them on. 

In 2017, many residents of Delphi city changed the color of their porch lights and shifted to select orange ones to signify justice. The entire population of Delphi city flicked on the orange porch lights to convey their support for the police force. The orange porch lights are turned on to notify the police about the murderer and capture them. 

Blue Porch Light

Two very important things are reflected by blue porch lights. First and foremost, the blue color was used in 2007 for spreading awareness about autism by the United Nations General Assembly. The 2nd of April every year is marked as the world’s autism awareness day. So, blue color porch lights are flicked on the streets to create awareness about autism. 

The blue porch lights are turned on by most people throughout April to create support for autism awareness. 

Secondly, the blue porch lights are turned on to reflect solidarity as well. The message conveyed through flicking on blue porch lights signifies showing immense solidarity for the loved ones and the entire police force. The police of a town or a city is also honored by flicking on blue porch lights. 

So, flicking on the blue porch light not only spreads awareness for autism but signifies respecting the police force as well. 

Purple Porch Lights

Domestic violence is on the rise in most countries all across the globe and purple porch lights are used to convey the message. The use of purple porch lights is used very frequently after 2007 to spread the message of awareness against domestic violence and abuse. 

Washington is the first city where green porch lights were used to create awareness about domestic violence by the Domestic Taskforce. Purple Night was the name of the campaign and it gain much ground as people turned out in numbers to support the cause by flicking on the purple porch light throughout the night. 

The purple porch light is turned on every year in October to create awareness about domestic violence. A sense of solidarity is represented with the survivors and victims of domestic abuse by flicking on the purple porch lights. 

Green Porch Lights

11th November is marked as Veterans Day and US residents honor them every year. Green porch lights are used on that particular day and they light up the neighborhood with a greenish hue. Some of the residents flick on the green porch light for the entire month. 

Moreover, the green porch lights are also flicked on every year in March to mark the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. 

Lyme Diseases Awareness is also indicated in May by switching on the green porch lights. The use of green porch lights for the different campaigns is not confined to the US only it is used all across the globe. The green color of the porch light resembles a sign of spirituality worldwide. Moreover, the green porch lights are flicked on to create awareness for incurable diseases. 

Red Porch Lights

Red porch lights are used by a homeowner throughout the year to mark different events. These lights are used t represent the Valentine’s Day celebration in February. Moreover, red porch lights are also used to mark heart health awareness and urge individuals to participate in it. 

In October, however, red porch lights are flicked on to mark Halloween. Moreover, in 2016, many households switched on the red porch lights and which meant that there are no guns in the house. The United States passed strict laws on gun control and red porch lights are turned on to convey this message. 

Furthermore, warm red lights in the garden are beneficial for the growth of plants and enhance the curb appeal of the house. Red porch lights are switched on to convey the availability of drugs and whether they are ready to be dispatched as well. 

Blinking Porch Lights

Any kind of emergency is represented by blinking porch lights. A blinking porch light in the neighborhood signifies that it is time to rush and check whether there is any need for help arising from some kind of emergency. 

The blinking porch lights are often flicked on to attract firefighters and ambulances as well. An emergency team is attracted by the blinking porch lights so that they can easily find the house without wasting any time. Blinking lights are also used by emergency vehicles during any emergencies. 

Important Situations And Events To Flick On The Porch Lights

Let us showcase the different situations when it is very much needed to power up the porch lights. 

During The Nighttime

The porch light must be turned on at night time as it confirms that the homeowner is present in the house. It is a very smart way to alarm burglars and prevent any wrong move by them. The porch lights are more like a spotlight on the front door and make it easier for the homeowner to see through the window panes. 

Kids Staying Alone In The House

Porch lights are more likely to be switched on when the homeowner and the elder members of the residence go outside mostly in the evening and the kids are staying back. The kids are protected from jumping on strange shadows. Moreover, it gives an impression to the outsiders that there are many people in the home. 

Coming Very Late To Your Home

Flicking on the porch lights before leaving home helps immensely when coming back home late at the night. Moreover, people can easily reach the door before locking it safely. The multipurpose use of these porch lights makes them an effective tool to use in different situations. 

Important Situations And Events To Turn Off The Porch Light

Let us briefly summarize the different times when there is the need to shut off the porch lights. 

Going For A Vacation

People leaving for vacations can easily switch off the porch lights at home. Moreover, the homeowner can request their neighbor to flick it on when it is needed at specific times. This gives an impression to outsiders that nobody has left the home. 

Before Going To Sleep

Switching off the porch lights before going to sleep is a very good idea. Turning off the porch lights gives an impression to others that everyone is present in the home. Moreover, it is good for energy efficiency as well. Porch lights having sensors can be automatically turned off and on and it augurs well for the security of the home. 

Staying In Remote Or Rural Areas

People living in remote or rural areas must switch off the porch lights as it will perplex intruders as the visibility is considerably reduced. Installation of motion sensor lights offers that extra bit of time to notify security personnel or the local police. 

Final Lines

In a nutshell, it is a brief overview to know more about the importance of different porch light colors. Additional messages are also reflected by the porch light colors and different situations are represented by them. 

However, it is very important to select the appropriate porch light colors as it directly affects the state of mind. So, porch lights are a good way to make life colorful and bring different meanings to life. 

So, next time you think of changing the LED color of your porch light contemplate carefully the different messages and meaning porch light colors attach. What are you waiting for? Opt for the different colors of LEDs whenever you see fit and cash on the benefits big time.

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